Debris from the mangled wreckage of the Titan submersible has been pictured being brought ashore in Canada 10 days after it vanished.

Titan Debris Picture after Implosion

Now, an investigation into the incident by a group of international agencies is taking place.

Pelagic Research Services, the company that operated the ROV that made the previous debris findings, said on Wednesday that its team had successfully completed off-shore operations

The photos shared by the Associated Press showed what appeared to be several pieces covered with white tarps

now in the process of demobilization after ten days of work. The company said a press conference will be held later today.

Titan’s wreckage was seen for the first time in pictures after the Coast Guard announced on Thursday (23 June)

The Coast Guard said it had convened its highest level probe into the incident - a Marine Board of Investigation (MBI).

Canada, which has assisted in the search for Titan, has also launched an investigation into the disaster.

The announcement of the implosion ended the search for the victims but sparked questions about the safety of the submersible